
For dear life

for dear life is about the dark corners of your consiousness.

Your brain wants to return to these thoughts during moments of mental health weakness. It's about perseverance and starting over after being victorious. To choose life over the paralysis of despondency. Wanting to start with a clean slate but not being able to until the debris laying around is recycled.

Zaïre Krieger

Leather wetmolded gown and bag for spoken word artist and activist Zaire Krieger. Inspired by Lady Justice criticizing eurocentricism for the Young Patreons Gala of the Dutch Nationale Opera en Ballet.

Theater Rotterdam

Costume and scenography for ‘I Vow to Distract Forever’ by theater maker and artist Djuwa Mroivili

BRidal couture

Bridal couture for the beautiful couple Jory and Emiel.

Make-Up Your Mind

Costumes for candidates of the Dutch show ‘Make-Up Your Mind’
Season 1 - 4


Glamcult in collaboration with State of Fashion’s This is an Intervention. 

 Drag Race UK vs The World

Costume reveal for Keta Minaj for Drag Race UK vs the World

ALOK x Theater Amsterdam

Taking inspiration from the freedom of expression and existence ALOK preaches